Kingdom House Publishing 181261 The 8th Mountain – How The Mountain of The Lord Transforms

$28.39 $21.84

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Those who spend time with god and his word and his spirit and who dwell in his presence and commune with him and develop a personal relationship with him become transformed in the process and thus are better informed equipped and empowered to attract steward and exercise influence in the 7 mountains of culture (arts & entertainment business & economy education family government & law media and religion). That is the basic premise and thesis of this book. Moreover i assert that such transformation is not only possible for disciples of christ but rather it is imperative and essential to successfully fulfill our divine assignments callings and destinies. Several places in scripture such as micah 4:1 and isaiah 2:2 mention the mountain of the lord or the mountain of the house of the lord that is above all the other mountains and is the chief mountain depending on the particular translation used. This phrase refers to the place of god’s abode or heaven and for our purposes here i refer to it as the 8th mountain. Mountains in scripture refer to kingdoms authority rule and dominion. The 8th mountain is calling your name. You’ve read about what awaits you and what lies ahead on this trek to the spiritual summit. You can think of this book as your mountaineering school curriculum and training manual for the 8th mountain to educate train and prepare you for climbing and reaching the summit of the highest peak in the universe. It teaches you survival skills how to thrive and be successful how to work as a team how to ascend and descend how to avoid or minimize danger what gear and supplies to take how to monitor changing weather conditions and how to save your life and protect yourself and those around you i