Power Systems 25462 Premium Slam Ball – 25 lbs.

$77.71 $59.78

SKU: 2684201449900693 Categories: ,


Slam balls and medicine balls are heavy padded balls used in plyometric training exercises the purpose of which is to use “explosive” force to throw objects rapidly and repeatedly. This approach involving an eccentric contraction of muscles followed immediately by a concentric contraction is believed to increase athletes’ speed and power simultaneously.
The primary difference between a medicine ball and the Premium Slam Ball is that the latter is expressly designed for throwing exercises. It has a tougher outer shell than most medicine balls which allows it to handle the high-velocity impact caused by throwing it against hard surfaces. This means that you can use a slam ball similarly to the way you use kettle bells using a heavy ball with different slamming techniques to work your entire body using a range of powerful moves. And one of the primary benefits of using a heavy ball over a medicine ball is that you must use full hip flexion (that is a perfect squat) to retrieve the ball.
FeaturesIts grip and durability make it the choice of athletes
Color – Gray
Weight – 25 lbs.